
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pro exams

A few days ago a few of the regulars on KGS I chat with had the idea why not to try a Pro Exam. Well… and I said why not? ^^

Said as done I am currently gathering info on getting to Japan for the June exam of the Kansai-kiin. For now I calculate the costs to 2000-3000€ for the one month trip. Flight is about 600€. Exam fee, lodging and food cost still unknown. Help is appreciated. So give me info about Osaka! ^^

It is unlikely that I can go due to money but I'll try! Hope dies last!

Back to blogger. Love Sgf's

(;CA[Windows-1252]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]EV[13th Japanese Female Kisei]RO[round 1]DT[2009-12-16]
PB[Mannami Kana]BR[4p]PW[Suzuki Ayumi]WR[4p]KM[6.5]RE[W+R]SO[Go4Go.net]MULTIGOGM[1]
;B[qd];W[dc];B[pp];W[dq];B[oc];W[ce];B[pj]C[Classical opening, nothing too exciting.]
(;B[nm]C[This seems to be a consistant choice.

Keep in mind playing with a big framework is hard.]
;W[qq];B[lm]LB[qh:A][kc:B]C[Solid territory versus moyo. The question would be where does white to invade later.

Maybe A or B are possible.]
;W[oe]C[A light approach.];B[nd];W[qe];B[pd];W[qg];B[qi];W[mf];B[ng];W[nf];B[og]
;W[pe];B[ld];W[mg];B[cm]C[Biggest available move I think. Attacking white further is not profitable now.

Black made some territory on the top but due to the open door on the lower right the balance of the game i intact.]
;W[ck];B[em];W[cn];B[bm];W[ek];B[df]C[Lightly reducing. Lovely style.];W[cf];B[dh]
;W[gd]C[Leaving the two white stones at c9 now seems doubtful for me.]
(;B[cg];W[gk];B[gm]C[An expected attack but black needs to be careful to not be sealed away with a capping move around g13.]
;W[fh];B[ee];W[eg];B[dd];W[cd];B[ec];W[dg];B[db];W[cc];B[gc]C[Exchange, left for top. Game still looks quite even.]
;W[ro]C[Big!];B[hh];W[mi];B[rd];W[jh];B[hj];W[qm]C[White is confident in her life and death. I would have added another move to secure life probably.]
;B[nj];W[mj];B[nk];W[ke]LB[gi:A]C[White should play A I suppose. Cutting seems severe.]
;B[fi];W[ei];B[dj];W[dk];B[ej];W[fj];B[eh];W[fg];B[di];W[gi];B[gj]C[Flower ko for black.]
;W[ei];B[qp]C[Good threat.];W[rp];B[fi];W[fk];B[gh];W[ei];B[bj];W[fi];B[bk]C[This hurts but white had essentially no threats.]
;W[bi];B[cj];W[ch];B[bo];W[bn];B[an];W[bq]C[Even with this seemingly huge loss white stills has a small edge in the game. I count about 29 points without komi for white and about the same for black.]
;B[jk];W[kk];B[im];W[gf]C[Black is being pushed around.];B[hf];W[fd];B[ih];W[kl]
;B[cb];W[fc]C[This is big.];B[fb];W[ed];B[eb];W[ge];B[on];W[rc];B[ne];W[of];B[rb]
;W[cp];B[ao];W[gr];B[hr];W[gs]C[White wins by resignation.

1\: Play good shape.
2\: When reducing do so lightly.
3\: Play solidly to not be pushed around on the board.])
(;B[fh]C[I think regarding what happened in the game black could have a easier game here. However white has a territorial advantage.]))
(;B[qq]C[This probably would make it to easy for white to reduce black's framework.]))