
Friday, January 30, 2009

My journey to Kimchi-land 1

My journey to Kimchi-land


So this is the start of my journey to Kimchi-land, well it started a few days ago and ever since it was a series of ecstasy and disappointment but today my estimated success rate finally reached 75%. Three days ago the German national mailing-list distributed a message from Kingsbaduk. A company dedicated to start a Go school in a serious manner, actually they will give out 10 scholarships for aspiring western players who want to be professional players. They if accepted will study at least five years as scholarship students in the Kingsbaduk Academy. But first of all Kingsbaduk offers a three months special event! Three months studying there for free with only two conditions:

- must be under 30 years old

- must be at least 10 kyu

Luckily I fulfill these conditions. So I decided to go there, in contrast to studying Baduk there by normal means it saves about 1500€ at least for now.

My first success: my parents agree with me that I should go and see if I like studying Baduk seriously. Yay!

My to do list:

- book the flights

- issue my formal application

- get the appropriate passport

- get the need vaccination

- crash course in Korean!!!

- cancel one appointment left at university for march

- finish three essays left for university in february

- buy a low-budget digital camera

- at least learn how to make tea

- take the airplane on the 28th of February

Well I think that is all I can think of for now. Tomorrow I'll get the photos for the passport and then promptly will try to get the passport.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Losing equals improving?

Lately due to a sudden surge of motivation I have been practicing a lot more but ever since I have started to lose even more games than before, that is kind of strange. My teacher told me that I am improving so I am content with what I am doing and I am practicing more and more every day!

Next weekend I can, thanks to one of my students, attend to a real tournament in Bonn which excites me to no end. Basically I am hoping up and down the floors these days. A tournament with six rounds to play, six times I will have an opponent who will try everything to make me lose. This kindles a lovely exciting feeling in my chest. I want to win those games no matter what! There is none but one sad backside of a real tournament, always when returning I tend to become melancholic about leaving the place where I had so good games and my inevitable return home where online Baduk is the only option left for me. A few days later I will be fine again though.

On a side note, despite my blitz-nature in online games I like to draw out the games in reality as long as possible, making them as complicated as possible. Perhaps to enjoy the games for the longest time possible?

So what is left to tell for today? ... Ah yes...

Japan is not as closed as it is perceived for foreigners in matters of Igo. Currently through the efforts of Chizu Kobayashi three German speaking insei study in Japan. One German 3dan and two austrian players, from whom I don't know the ranks. From investigating the issue a little I have a small intelligence on what the probable cost for studying as insei is currently.

Lodging is about 400-500€/month in a small 8m^2 room in Tokyo plus about 200€/month for food plus an unknown amount of money needed for other stuff neccesary. So in conclusion studying as insei in Japan, assuming the tution as insei is for free, amounts to at least 800€/month. Quite expensive if you ask me, but Tokyo seems always expensive.

Additionally you will have to be quite young to be invited to study as insei, 15-25 as maximum?

I myself study shapes and tsumego for now, got to improve a bit to make a 3dan promotion next weekend!!!

- adorable plum

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


It has been three days since I returned from my first tournament in quite some time. I promoted to German 2dan now. I had so much fun there so I was quite sad when I returned home sunday evening. Online games just cannot produce the same exciting feeling in my chest as games on a real board. I loathed for all those games that weekend and just all the time I had to play. :)

I might post a few sgf's later. This is a little short but it cannot be helped.

PS.: I found out that there is currently a German 3dan studying as insei in Japan.