
Sunday, August 29, 2010

The difference between 7d and 8p

Yesterday I played a game against another current teacher of new KBC, Go Yuyeon 8p. We played at 4 stones and a few mistakes on my side gave here the opportunity in fighting to end the game quickly.

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[pp][dd][pd]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[dp]GN[Free game]DT[20100828 [14\:50\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[juyeon 8DP]KM[0.5]HA[4]RE[White Win by Resign!]US[www.cyberoro.com]
;W[fc];B[hc];W[kc]C[Typical strong player handicap strategy.];B[nc];W[fe]
(;B[df];W[id];B[ec]C[My first big mistake. Actually I want if I play in the corner d18 now.]
;W[fb];B[cj];W[nq];B[lq];W[no];B[pn];W[iq];B[lo]C[Starting a fight here. Staying peaceful would have been possible to but at some point you should not fear to fight!]
;W[fq];B[eq]C[Hitting this stone to make the shape a little over-concentrated.]
;W[fp];B[dn];W[nm];B[io]C[Helping the weaker stones first.];W[gn];B[pl];W[lm];B[jq]
C[Ensuring a connection but not sure it is the best way to do so.];W[jr];B[jm];W[jp]
C[First really big and probably game losing mistake. White gains advantage here.]
;W[pk];B[qk];W[qj];B[pj];W[ok];B[rj];W[qi];B[rl];W[nn];B[qh]C[Common nose-tesuji]
;W[pi];B[ri];W[ph];B[qg];W[nr]C[the trouble! Corner was weak and my center group is in trouble.]
;B[mp];W[np];B[gl];W[pm]C[I think answering this now is small.];B[er];W[fm];B[fl]
(;B[dm]C[Bad shape move here.];W[el];B[dk];W[ek]
(;B[jj];W[ql];B[rq];W[sp]C[Ah! Missed that move in the game.];B[rr];W[sq];B[rp]
;W[ro];B[sr];W[jl]C[Tenuki for maximum profit but also a chance for me to let everything live.]
;B[il];W[ik];B[jk];W[kl];B[hl];W[ln];B[os]C[one group alive with connection to the other part.]
(;B[ii];W[hj];B[gi];W[gj];B[fj];W[fk];B[gk];W[fi];B[ej];W[hi]C[From here there was no chance for me anymore. Resign soon~~~]
(;B[gj]C[Should just run. j11 wants too much.]))
(;B[jk]C[Probably should stay solid. In retrospect the two space jump was overplay to me.]))
(;B[cl]C[This would be better.])
(;B[qp];W[pr]C[This would have been better.]))
(;B[jd]C[Fighting here might be possible but the corner will be damaged to.]))

Today I played with a former KBC teacher, Hong Seul-ki 7d Amateur. We played at three stones and due to a mistake in judging the aji of my moyo I lost by 14 points in the end.

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[dp][dd]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[pd]GN[Free game]DT[20100829 [17\:54\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[seulki 8D*]KM[0.5]HA[3]RE[White 14Win >> White(91)\:Black(77)]
;W[pn];B[oq];W[qq];B[lq]C[The situation settled nicely here.];W[fq];B[hq];W[cn]
(;B[cq]C[Fighting style. As I played dozens of games against Seul-ki I know this is possible here.]
;W[hp];B[iq];W[eo];B[do];W[dn];B[en]C[Cutting the weaker side.];W[fo];B[em];W[dl]
;B[hn]C[A vital point.];W[gm];B[el];W[dk];B[gk]
(;W[hm];B[in];W[ek];B[fl];W[gn];B[ik];W[jl]C[now its unclear how to attack further so time to tenuki.]
(;B[il];W[im];B[jm];W[jn];B[km];W[jo];B[kk]C[Sacrifice three stones and gain influence instead.]
(;B[oh];W[qc];B[fd];W[qn];B[nf]C[expanding the moyo
];W[kc];B[ic];W[nb];B[dh]C[A vital reducing point! I learned this one today on the train home.]
;W[cd];B[cc];W[bc]C[the 7d's complicatedness];B[dc];W[ce];B[gp];W[ho];B[eq];W[gq]
;B[rg];W[rf];B[rm];W[rn];B[mc];W[mb];B[jd]C[my moyo is big and i have quite a lead but there are still defects that can be exploited]
(;B[di]C[fighting further];W[fi];B[fj];W[gh];B[ej];W[cj];B[gi];W[hi]C[Ko and I entered my last byo-yomi.]
;B[fh];W[cp];B[er];W[fi];B[ip];W[io];B[fh];W[mq]C[White has too many threats];B[hh]
;W[lr];B[mp];W[kq];B[lp];W[mr];B[nn];W[np];B[no];W[op]C[white gained a lot];B[qb]
(;B[om];W[le];B[lf];W[ph];B[pi];W[pg];B[qi];W[ng];B[og];W[oi]C[byo-yomi plus complicated. the opportunity for white to win]
;B[rh];W[sh];B[mi];W[sg];B[nj]C[p7 losing move i think, the aji killed my lead]
(;B[pk]C[should play here so the aji cannot come to life]))
(;B[fi]C[this would be safe.]))
(;B[qc];W[pi]C[such a thing looks unsatisfying to me]))
(;B[rd]C[maybe this would be better, safe corner = safe points]))
(;B[cf];W[cg];B[ce];W[dg];B[fd]C[This is not good for black. The 3-3 still has a lot aji.])
(;B[fd]C[This would be the usual answer but I think i want to use the possibility to create a moyo.]))
(;W[fl];B[ek];W[fk];B[ej];W[fj];B[dj]C[Such a cut would not be good for white.]))
(;B[fp]C[Usually one would play here and let white expand to some other point.]))

So what is the difference between those two games except the obvious one stone handicap difference? Similar at first sight is the definite style of making the game unusual and complicated as fast as possible. We weaker players tend then to make mistakes that will be exploited to maximum profit. See the first game as example.
Another distinct fact is that in handicap games I play and see the course of the game usually goes for a moyo-style or influence based game, as if guided by invisible hand. And then when the time is right a deadly invasion or complicated reduction come.
The 8p resolutely struck down the first mistakes to full intent while against the 7d one could hold on and suffer some damage first before sinking completely. The ko in the second game was a tremedous step forward for white but only the mistake by black in the end allowing the reduction sealed the fate of the game.

Hope vs despair in a reading battle. I need to study to read more and read more quickly. Time to prepare for the next battles against pros~~~

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