
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Western Pros - 1 - Micheal Redmond - Part 1

An Idea flashed through my mind how I could bring interesting study material to my readers here on the black. I am studying professional games regularily which has me memorizing and reviewing games. So I thought how the readers could benifit from my study also and then I had an idea.

Proudly presenting now: Micheal Redmond's journey through the last 10 years with reviewed games!

His Bio: Michael Redmond (born May 25, 1963) is a Nihon Ki-in professional Go player.

Redmond was born in Santa Barbara, California, United States and began playing Go at age 11. At age 14 he became an insei for the Nihon Ki-in. A student of Oeda Yusuke 9-dan, he became a professional 1-dan at age 18 and was promoted to 2-dan during the same year. Michael achieved 500 professional wins in August 2007 (500 wins, 331 losses and 2 jigo).

He was promoted to:

* 5-dan in 1985
* 8-dan in 1996
* 9-dan in 2000 (the first and only Western Go Professional to ever reach 9-dan)

Redmond was one of sixteen participants in the 54th (2006) Oza Tournament, made the semifinals of the Gosei in 2006, and reached the quarterfinals in 36th (2010) Tengen. He managed to the second round of the 17th Agon (2010, on going) where he beat Cho U in the first round (source: [ext] UnlimitedGo).

Redmond is the author of The ABC's of Attack and Defense (Slate and Shell, 2002).

Redmond is married to Xian-Xian Niu, a Chinese 3-dan professional. They have two daughters, Yumi and Emi. Redmond worked with the AGA and the The Ing Foundation to create the Redmond Cup as well as the Ing Redmond Tournament?, a tournament for American players stronger than 5D and under 30.

Redmond vs Rissei - 2000-02-07 - Comments by adoreme

(;CA[utf-8]GM[1]BC[ja]WC[ja]TI[71]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]FF[4]EV[13th Fujitsu Cup]
RO[Japanese preliminary]DT[2000-02-07]PB[O Rissei]BR[9p]PW[Michael Redmond]WR[8p]
;B[qd];W[dd];B[pq]LB[dp:A]C[A would be usual as we know.]
;B[po];W[op];B[oo];W[qo];B[ro];W[qn];B[pr];W[no];B[qs];W[on];B[dj]C[Usually I would prefer a lower extension here as it would yield securer profit.]
;W[dg];B[cn];W[ld];B[qg];W[oc];B[jd];W[lc];B[fc]C[My move. \:)];W[eb]
(;B[fo];W[dq];B[cq];W[ep];B[eo];W[cp];B[do];W[cr];B[bq];W[br];B[bp];W[hq]C[White conquered the lower side now. I don't think f5 was good.]
;B[qi];W[ph];B[qf];W[pe];B[qe];W[or];B[io];W[ho];B[hn];W[hp];B[im];W[fk]C[Aloof timing. Usually one would continue defending the lower sides as amateur no? I would first have thought of defending...]
(;W[ec]C[Was there aji?];B[je];W[fg];B[gg];W[ko];B[jq];W[lq];B[ae];W[ad];B[af];W[bd]
;B[pl];W[mj];B[ml];W[ok];B[pk];W[nj];B[oi];W[ol]C[White won solidly here. West goes for a victory!])
(;W[qk];B[bd];W[ae];B[dc];W[ec];B[cb]C[I do not think black could live.]))
(;B[kj]C[Maye attack like this first.]))
(;B[dr]C[My guess was here. Profit the Korean style.]))
(;W[fq]C[I would play here. G18 seems a bit wasteful yet. Sente though maybe now unneeded.]))
(;B[fe]C[I wonder if this would be possible too.]))
(;W[dp];B[fc];W[cf];B[kc]C[It seems lack did not like this opening.]))

- adorable plum

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