
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Weiqi King and his son (Movie - 棋王和他的儿子)

A movie a stumbled upon just today. It's only in chinese though. The story is about a man who is called "the Go King" by his peers and adored for his skill in Weiqi. However he is unemployed and his fed up wife is leaving him. Surprisingly his son however wants to stay with his who not soon after discovers a great Weiqi talent within his son. A struggle ensues for the Go king to come up with the money to finance his son's study of Weiqi. The son makes great progress in Weiqi and has his mother to agree if he wins a the big Weiqi tournament in his city she will come back to the family.

Part 1: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDcwODgwOTI=.html

Part 2: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDcxMDQ5MDg=.html

- adorable plum


blackmoa said...

This movie can be seen in the "Chinesisches Kulturzentrum" in Berlin on April 4th.

blackmoa said...

Oh sorry it was April 11th ;)