
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Zen goes to fight the Professionals! Takemiya 9p vs Zen19s!

 This just was posted by
There is an article on the Nihon Kiin web site, posted Monday, announcing a special event to be held on March 17th at the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo. First Ohashi Hirofumi, 5p, and then Takemiya Masaki, 9p, will each play two games against Zen. In the morning, Ohashi will play two even games on a 9x9 board, alternating W/B with 20 minutes main time and 30 byo yomi. In the afternoon, Takemiya will then play two games on a 19x19 board with 30 minutes main time and 60 seconds byo yomi. In Takemiya's case the first game will be on five stones. The second game will be adjusted up or down one stone based on the result of the first. The event will run from 09:30 to 18:00 with no entry fee. O Meien, 9p, will be the commentator with the assistance of Yashiro Kumiko, 5p. There will be no entry fee.

It does not appear that this will happen on KGS. The article mentions TeamDeepZen, so I assume that they will be playing against Zen19s, the distributed version of Zen. I wonder whether the team will run it on a larger network for this event.

I will post a update of the games once I get my hands on them!

- adoreme


maciek said...

would love too see a kifu

Viktor Sovietov said...

I've just seen kifu here: http://livego.ru/blog/332.html