
Friday, September 24, 2010

Drooping Lotus, the holy grail of handicap.

Today I can show you two games I played. One from yesterday with Yoon Youngsun 8p which I lost and the other from just an hour ago against Kang Kyoungnang 7d. Good news is that against 7dans I graduated to 2 stones handicap now.

The first game is against Youngsun. Actually I had planned to play the drooping lotus again but due to a bug with Wbaduk our games had to be restarted. Of course Youngsun noticed what I had planned and quickly thwarted it by not approaching my corners directly anymore. So we developed a unique fighting game in which I had the advantage a long time but then in the ko I played a bad threat which was the losing move and all fighting could not save me anymore. But see yourself:

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[pd][dp]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[dd]GN[Free game]DT[20100923 [16\:00\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[youngsun 8DP]KM[0.5]HA[3]RE[White Win by Resign!]US[www.cyberoro.com]

Next follows my game with Kyoungnang. Here I got to play my joseki of choice in a alternated variations but you can easily see the overwhelming amount of influence I got from it. She had to invade again and again and again to keep staying in the game but of course doing this the game was favorable for me all the time. I just had to chase the groups around and increasing my potential territory until white finally collapsed and had to give me stones on the right side. With that I could safely sail home. On a side note: My endgame needs a lot improvement.

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[pd][dp]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[dd]GN[Free game]DT[20100924 [20\:39\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[kyoungnang 8D*]KM[0.5]HA[3]RE[Black Win by Resign!]US[www.cyberoro.com]

Next game with Kyoungnang tomorrow. 2 stones now! Rematching and seeing who will best whom!

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