
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Three games and only one victory.

Here are three games I didnt post yet. All played in this week. The first one is against Yoon Youngsun 8p with the handicap reduced to three. It was a good game for me until I died due to my faults...

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[pd][dp]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[dd]GN[Free game]DT[20100921 [15\:51\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[youngsun 8DP]KM[0.5]HA[3]RE[White Win by Resign!]US[www.cyberoro.com]

Then my first game with Alex 3p this month. After a mistake of his following a mistake of mine I was quite good in the game but I overplayed the attack and lost in the fight.

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[2]KM[0.50]TM[1800]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]
PW[breakfast]PB[adoreme]WR[3p]DT[2010-09-21]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]AB[pd][dp]C[adoreme [-\]: have a nice game
breakfast [3p\]: Have a nice game!
;W[po]WL[1785.452]C[adoreme [-\]: just 3 min before i lost to yoon youngsun~~~
;B[dg]BL[1763.373]C[breakfast [3p\]: on cyberoro?
adoreme [-\]: yes
breakfast [3p\]: pls email some of your games
;W[fe]WL[1752.254]C[adoreme [-\]: you can find them on my blog ^^
;W[cc]WL[1738.838]C[adoreme [-\]: http://beginningpath.blogspot.com/
;W[oo]WL[1187.589]C[breakfast [3p\]: ops
breakfast [3p\]: :)
breakfast [3p\]: stupid way for W
;B[np]BL[1149.188]C[adoreme [-\]: ^^
;W[pc]WL[1117.282]C[adoreme [-\]: maybe stretching to o6 would have been better
;W[ld]WL[5.651]C[adoreme [-\]: thx
breakfast [3p\]: thx
adoreme [-\]: messed up sry :(
breakfast [3p\]: overplayed with attacking W

The second game against Alex I won by resignation. After our funny kind of joseki exchange in the top right the game felt nice for me.

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[2]KM[0.50]TM[1800]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]
PW[breakfast]PB[adoreme]WR[3p]DT[2010-09-22]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]AB[pd][dp]C[adoreme [-\]: have a nice game
breakfast [3p\]: Hi, Have a nice game!
;B[jj]BL[1786.978]C[breakfast [3p\]: Syptryn taught you?
breakfast [3p\]: :)
breakfast [3p\]: his favorite
;W[de]WL[1751.959]C[adoreme [-\]: no
adoreme [-\]: i found a 300 year old chinese go manual
adoreme [-\]: teaching a handicap joseki
;B[qo]BL[1738.353]C[breakfast [3p\]: :)
;W[oq]WL[1730.938]C[adoreme [-\]: used it against yoon youngsun and it worked nicely :)
;B[bi]BL[382.313]C[breakfast [3p\]: thx
adoreme [-\]: thank you
breakfast [3p\]: overplayed on the top

And on goes the training and the study for my Chinese exam.

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