
Sunday, September 4, 2011

ASR Review - Vol.3 - Alpha

Another game in August of the Alpha class. Very short but instructional to not make too many weak groups.

(;CA[utf-8]ST[2]RU[Japanese]OT[10x30 byo-yomi]GM[1]AP[CGoban:3]SZ[19]FF[4]DT[2011-08-18]
PC[The KGS Go Server at http\://www.gokgs.com/]PB[ChemBoy613]PW[Edisson]KM[6.5]
(;B[cd]BL[2340.21]C[This due to d5 surely will get pincered, so if you want to split white you need to choose a different joseki.]
;B[ke]BL[2099.5];W[le]WL[2120.28];B[kd]BL[2097.53];W[kc]WL[2118.42]C[Black made too many weak and split groups. E9 instead of B10 probably would have made a better game for black.])
(;B[fq]C[Joseki wuld be here, crawling on second line most of the times is bad.]
(;W[dr];B[cr];W[fr];B[ds];W[gq]C[Better for black locally, but d9 is hurt badly.])))
(;B[fo]C[I would probably choose a more stable move instead of going into the corner as d8 is weak.]
;W[dq];B[fq]C[Developing the side.]))
(;B[ek]C[I would probably prefer the solid connection here. It will make a center fight for white harder.]
;W[ck];B[cl];W[bj]C[Also this will hurt the white 5-4 stone so white will not rush to capture too quickly.]))
(;B[jc]C[Could play a waiting move to see what white is aiming for.];W[cd])
(;B[ci]C[This would be possible.];W[bf]C[If white plays here.];B[cg]C[This is a calm answer.])
(;B[ef]C[If white doesn't answer f15...])

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