
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First point against Yujeon but Kyung-min took cruel revenge

As you can see from the title of my post I am bringing you again two games against Professionals I played. If you read my earlier posts there is not much to say about Yuyeon anymore because we all know she is a professional teacher at New KBC currently. About Kyung-min however I do not know much except that his name is Kyung-min Yu and he is 8dan professional at the Hankuk Kiwon.

First comes my victory against Yuyeon. By denying the strategy of her making me building influence and not dying myself at some point I could preserver a good lead into the endgame. Predictably she caught up a lot in the endgame but lucky me had enough points to spare to win anyways.

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[pd][dp][pp]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[dd]GN[Free game]DT[20100830 [15\:41\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[juyeon 8DP]KM[0.5]HA[4]RE[Black Win by Resign!]US[www.cyberoro.com]
(;W[pr];B[gq]C[Solidifying myself to make here outside influence obsolete.];W[of]
(;B[jo]C[Maybe I should just jump here.]))
(;W[rl];B[qm];W[ql];B[qq];W[pl]C[Not good enough for her. Corner bigger.]))
(;W[bl]C[Sadly she would not submit like this]))
(;B[df]C[In retrospect I think I prefer this to the game. Juyeon has no easy way of capturing my lone black stone.]))
(;W[rl];B[ql];W[qm];B[rk];W[rn];B[sl];W[qn]C[If she wants she could cut me at some point. I was worried about this quite some time.]))
(;B[qm]C[Maybe here would be better]))

I felt elated after winning this game of course. My score with Yuyeon now is 2 - 1 with her leading currently.

My game against Kyung-min was completely different. You could say I got slaughtered like a chicken for lunch or use any metaphor you find fitting for humilating quick defeat. Next time I really should drink a cup of tea before a game in late night to not be as sloppy as in this game but see for yourself.

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[pp][dd][pd]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[dp]GN[Free game]DT[20100831 [02\:39\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[kyungmin 8DP]KM[0.5]HA[4]RE[White Win by Resign!]US[www.cyberoro.com]
;W[qf];B[qj];W[nc];B[qc]C[Fighting like this is risky.];W[oe];B[pe];W[pf];B[of]
(;B[dh];W[ji];B[jh];W[hi]C[The game is basically over here already.];B[ii];W[ij]
(;B[jj]C[Should play here now. Following the instinct and playing d10 was no good idea.]))
(;W[sb]C[Dead like this. I missed it in the game.]))

What is the moral? Adoreme you should be stronger!

1 comment:

a1r said...

i think he is active in taiwan now...but i am not sure.